Silver Wind blows again…

Posted: November 4, 2011 by douglasthompson in Reviews

Sami Airola over at the Rising Shadow website enjoyed Nina Allan’s Silver Wind, writing:

“Nina Allan is clearly an author to watch, because she has her own unique writing style and she dares to try different kinds of storytelling techniques. The Silver Wind is a powerful and thought-provoking collection of science fiction stories… one of the best short story collections I’ve read this year, because it makes its reader think about things. I’m sure that everybody who likes literary and thought-provoking science fiction will love this collection.”

Meanwhile, Ros Jackson over at Warpcore SF was worried that all this talk of plot “complications” would make for a pretentious read, but on the contrary found much to praise in the end, writing:

“These stories aren’t simple time travel adventures, however. They’re much subtler, and they tend to focus on the mundane lives of the characters as much as on any weird stuff that’s going on. Time’s Chariot is as much about love, grief, and difficult family relationships as it is about the possibility of time travel…
…a strong collection of intriguing linked stories. It’s perceptive and serious, and not too dense although it left me feeling that a re-read would uncover hidden nuggets…”

Thanks to both these, and indeed all reviewers, who have taken the time to read and comment on Eibonvale Books. Please check out their websites and explore their views in depth.

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